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Rehearsal suggestions

-The primary educational goal of this work is to develop skills in 7/8 time.  Please use the included rhythm sheet and additional materials below to assist in their development.

-The tempo of this work is critical to its character.  When planning your preparation, make sure to allow time for proper technical development to achieve the written tempos, lest the work come off as “boring.”

-Dynamics should be noticeable and taken to extremes.

-Performances of the work should have a dramatic, cinematic quality.

In the face of adversity, hope is the only choice. 2020 has been challenging for all of us, and this bold new work by composer Randall Standridge reflects on the choice between hope and despair. This exciting concert opener the perfect vehicle for teaching 7/8 time to your young musicians, as it uses 7 permutations of 7/8 time and limited ranges to create an accessible yet thrilling experience for players and audiences alike. (Also available in Flex Version)

Digital: $65.00

Physical: $70.00

SPECIAL SALE! – Buy One work and receive a 50% Discount on a digital download of it’s flex/standard counterpart!)  Only good through Randall Standridge Music directly…if you have already purchased one of the versions, send us a receipt of the first purchase and still receive the 50% discount on the corresponding Flex/Standard download.

Digital Copy (PDF and Site License) – $65 .00

Printed Copy (Price coming soon) – $70.00

Available for online purchase and from Major Music Distributors, such as JW Pepper, Stantons, Penders, Music and Arts, Popplers, and others

Message for purchasing options:

Click Track 1 (Performance Tempo

Click Track 1 (Performance Tempo

Click Track 2 (Slow Tempo

Click Track 2 (Slow Tempo

Percussion/Synth Backing Track (Performance Tempo

Percussion/Synth Backing Track (Performance Tempo

Percussion/Synth Backing Track (Slow Tempo

Percussion/Synth Backing Track (Slow Tempo

Full Ensemble with Click Track (Performance Tempo

Full Ensemble with Click Track (Performance Tempo

Full Ensemble with Click Track (Slow Tempo

Full Ensemble with Click Track (Slow Tempo

Percussion/Synth Backing Track (Regular Tempo

Percussion/Synth Backing Track (Regular Tempo

Percussion/Synth Backing Track (Slow Tempo

Percussion/Synth Backing Track (Slow Tempo

Product Type

Media Type
